Wednesday, 21 September 2011

The role of Himalayas and its effect on India’s climate and environment.

India is a country full of natural beauties. Himalayas derives from two Sanskrit words ‘Him’ that means snow and ‘Alaya’ that means home. It totally means home of snow. Himalayas are the largest mountain range in the world. Its height is about 15000 feet. Himalayas are the crown of India.
            Mount Everest is a peak in the Himalayas is the highest peak in the world and its height is 8848 meter. Himalayas act as a protective blanket for us. They protect us from several cold. It prevents the cool current to come in. The Himalayas also act as a barrier as it prevents the Chinese people to come and attack India.
            It is because of the Himalayas there are favorable conditions in India. Just because of the Himalayas many places in India like Shimla, Dehradun, Mussouri, Kashmir, Nainital, etc. are very beautiful and tourists visit these places every year.
            The Himalayas also protects us as it stops the cold winds that blow from central Asia. Today because of Himalayas India is saved from being frozen. After the British rule India had been under the rule of China but because of Himalayas which acts as a barrier India is free.
            The Himalayas are very beautiful mountains. They are the crown of India. They are very helpful to us in many ways.

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