“In general a joint family consists of the members of three or four generations, joined together on the basis of common ancestry or property.”
- M.Thomas
The joint family system is the traditional family system of India. This family system is prevalent in India since the ancient times. This family system is one of the major features of the Hindu society. Under this family system the entire family consisting of two or three generations living under a single roof.
In other words a joint family is a group of people who generally live under one roof, who eat food cooked on one hearth, who hold property in common worship and are related to each other as some particular type of kindred.
The joint family system has merits but also demerits. In this system as all the members live together, thus the work of whole family is divided and the burden of work is reduced. This system not only reduces the burden of work but it also safeguards the family when financial or economic difficulties, accidents, deaths or calamities arise.
Although the joint family system has many merits the modern people do not prefer to live in a joint family. Small families provide the freedom and privacy to all the members which are not easy in the joint family system. Also in a joint family, usually the old people are the head of the family. As old people are the head modern thoughts do not emerge in the family.
The true joint family system without any demerits is one of the most valuable institutions for making a country strong and progressive. If the demerits of the joint family system are removed, it can prove itself as the best family system. Thus we should preserve this family system and not let it vanish totally from our country.karan.singh229@gmail.com
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