Sunday, 25 September 2011

Prophet Muhammad.

Like the saints a prophet also took birth on the Earth. His name was Muhammad. He was born in A.D. 571in Mecca, a city in which the Kaaba, an important shrine is located. His father died before his birth, so his uncle brought him up.
Muhammad was, from the very beginning, meditative and imaginative. He always thought of the welfare and well-being of the downtrodden. He formed a new religion called Islam. Once, at the age of forty while he was meditating in a cave at Mount Hira he had ‘visions of truth’. The angel Gabriel appeared to him and told him to recite him the name of God, the Creator. The revelations that Muhammad received were to become the first part of Koran which in Arabic meant recitation or read loudly.
Unfortunately the ideas and beliefs of Muhammad were not liked by the rich merchants. Thus he had to face opposition and criticism of these people. Ultimately, he was forced to leave Mecca and seek refuge in Medina where he was given a warm welcome. This event took place in 622 A.D. This is known as Hijra or migration and is the first year of Muslim calendar. Here Muhammad preached the principles of Islam and very soon the people of Arabia accepted this new religion. Islam believed that Allah is one and only God. It also respect the theory of Brotherhood.
Prophet Muhammad was a sort of God to the Arabian people. Soon this new religion became famous in whole world especially in India and Pakistan etc. in India the people were Greatly influenced by the teachings of Islam and converted into Muslims. He died in 632 A.D.

1 comment:

  1. ITS TRUE our prophet mohammed was great nice blog
