Monday, 1 October 2012

Poem: "My definition for my nation"

Where lays the heritage of ages past....
Where the roll cultural traditions is so vast;
Where survive the six major religions...
That's my India, best amongst all nations...!

Here lies humility in the earth...
Of what I'm proud; that i got here, my birth;
Where lies the humanity in each's heart..
That's my India, were just a speck is my art...!

Where sings the Koyal, in her sweet tone...
Where dances the peacock in glee or moan:
There survive millions of heart, in one single nation...
That's my India with a beauty beyond imagination..!

To whom the Great Himalayas are a crown...
There flows the Ganga, with a deep sound;
Where the 7 sisters are held to eastern hand...
That's my India, here lies my own sand..!

Where seen is the sun at dusk and dawn...
Where great boons like Gandhi are born;
Where the beaches merge with the oceans...
That's my India, as per by my definitions..! 
   Written by:- Amandeep Singh